| 2 years ago

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day, is a day in Canada to commemorate the anniversary of the December 6th, 1989, massacre at École Polytechnique. On that day, 14 women were killed and another 14 were injured as an armed student claimed he was “fighting feminism.” This is a day to mourn and commit to fight the hatred and misogyny ...

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| 2 years ago

Hybrid GMM: Saturday, December 3rd, 10 AM

Hybrid GMM: Sat, December 3rd, 10 am As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying document below the GMM notice.Register:  LINK Deadline: Friday, De...

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| 2 years ago

Local Dispatch (22/11/10)

This dispatch contains:

  • Sick days update
  • Cost of Living Allowance Grievance
  • WCB Claim Suppression
  • WIN House Women's Shelters donations
  • Coats for Kids Campaign
  • Edmonton Local Supports CUPE

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| 2 years ago

Wanted: Tech-Savvy CUPW Member

At our September GMM, there were multiple motions put forward that show the importance to our membership of the Local hosting meetings in a hybrid format, giving members the option of attending meetings either in person or online. We would like to start by looking to our membership in order to achieve this goal. Are you (or another CUPW member you know) technologically savvy and interested in h...

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| 2 years ago

Local Newsletter - September 2022 Edition

Highlights for this edition:

1. President’s Report: I Need a !@#$ing Raise
2. The Route Measurement Dumpster Fire of 2022
3. "Casuals Get Screwed": Time for a Bold Change
4. No Relief - The Numbers

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| 2 years ago

Local Committee Meetings

The following committee meetings are open to all CUPW members in good standing. We encourage everyone who is interested to attend. Most will be held via Zoom, but please continue reading for further details. Organizing Committee The next Organizing Committee meeting is Wednesday, October 26th at 7 pm via Zoom. The Organizing Committee will be meeting to discuss a number of local internal organ...

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| 2 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Saturday, November 5th, 10:00am

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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| 2 years ago

Reminder: Teamster Rebellion Book Club

Just a reminder that the upcoming book club for Farrell Dobb's "Teamster Rebellion" is quickly approaching. It is October 16th, which is this coming Sunday at 3 pm MST. If you don't have time to read the book, there will be a presentation to summarize the events and lessons so you can still participate in the discussion. For more information on how to get a copy of the book and to register for ...

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