| 2 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Sat, October 15, 10am

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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| 2 years ago

Orange T-Shirts Now Available

September 30th is Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada. As an initiative from our Local's Human Rights Committee, we now have orange t-shirts available. All proceeds from these shirts will be donated to a local Indigenous organization. To place an order, please send an email to union@cupw730.net with your shipping address and size. Some other actions to consider: read the 94 calls to action, ...

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| 2 years ago

Statement from the Local Executive

At the Executive meeting held on Tuesday, September 20th, the Local Executive discussed the concerns that have been brought forward regarding the two upcoming in-person meetings on September 25th. Please see the following statement from the Executive regarding the decision about the meetings. Executive Committee Statement: There has been some discussion around the Local regarding the time and d...

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| 2 years ago

Reading Group- Teamsters Rebellion: Lessons For A CUPW Revolt

In times of economic hardship the question of “Who pays?” is often posed. Today we can see all over Canada that the bosses are insisting workers pay for this crisis. Canada Post is no different in this regard and they get to maintain their bottom line while CUPW members take pay cuts and heavier workloads. 

In 1933-1934 during the great depression the bosses in the Minneapolis coal and trucking i...

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| 2 years ago

September President's Report

President's Report from our September GMM held on the 10th.  

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| 2 years ago

September 19th Holiday

We have Monday off!

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| 2 years ago

Special Resolution Meeting and Delegate Elections - 4:30pm

Special Resolution Meeting and Delegate Elections - 4:30pm 

Sunday September 25th 4:30 pm 

Central Lions Recreation Centre  

11113 113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta

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| 2 years ago

“Special General Membership Meeting”

“Special General Membership Meeting” as per by-law 8.7  

Sunday September 25th 7:00pm 

Central Lions Recreation Centre                                                             

11113 113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta 

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