| 6 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/01/24)

Local Dispatch

  1. Committee Meetings
  2. Donation Drive Update
  3. Reminders

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| 6 months ago

Upcoming Committee Meetings

Information for upcoming Education and Organizing Committee meetings

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| 6 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/01/17)

Friends and comrades,   In this week's dispatch, we're covering the February GMM, Local educational opportunities, upcoming social events, and Local elections.   Solidarity,   Kyle Turner, Communications Officer   February GMM   Our first GMM of the new year is on February 3rd at 10 am. This is a hybrid meeting, so you can attend in person at our union office (18121 107 Ave) or online via Zoom...

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| 6 months ago

Upcoming Education Schedule

Upcoming education schedule

  • RSMC Know Your Rights
  • Basic Shop Steward
  • Taking Back Our Workfloor

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| 6 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/01/10)

Local Dispatch (1/10/24)  

1. Social Events
2. Education Committee Meeting
3. Regional Pension Course
4. Local Elections

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| 6 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/01/05)

Local Dispatch (24/01/05)

1. Upcoming Pension Course
2. Local Elections

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| 7 months ago

Application of the Collective Agreements after their Expiry Date

Members have been asking, "What happens now that our contract is about to expire?"

Here is a bulletin from our National Negotiators regarding what happens January 1st. for RSMC and February 1st for Urban.  

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