| 11-07-2024

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Regional Educational Opportunities

Prairie and Pacific 5-Day Winter Education Seminar

Dates: February 9-14th, 2025

Our Regional office will be co-hosting a 5-day educational with the Pacific Region next February at Harrison Hot Springs Resort in Harrison Hot Springs, BC. The courses being offered are Social Stewards and Human Rights for CUPW Leaders.

Full bulletin and course descriptions, click HERE.

For a digital application to print, click HERE

Deadline to Apply: Applications must be received by the Local office, faxed (780-423-2883 Attn. Terri Price) or emailed to the Education Officer (educate730@gmail.com) by November 15th at 4 pm. Please send in the hard copy, a scan, or the completed PDF -- no photos, please. Please ensure legibility and a current email address because all communication will happen via email.

Please Note: This is a regional course, the local collects, processes and forwards approved applications to the Regional office.  They make final decisions on attendees and will be the ones to contact by the email provided on your application.  If your application is accepted you usually are contacted 2-4 weeks before the course dates. We receive the class list at the same time, so the office is unable to tell you if you were accepted or not.
