| 5 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/02/21)

Local Dispatch (24/02/21)

  1. Negotiations Update
  2. Coughlin Insurance
  3. Local Executive Nominations Deadline
  4. Education Opportunities and Education Committee Meetings

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| 5 months ago

Upcoming Education Committee Meetings

Information for upcoming Education Committee meetings.

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| 5 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/02/06)

Local Dispatch (24/02/06)

  1. "How to Write a Grievance" Course
  2. Upcoming Women's Committee Meeting
  3. Labour College
  4. AFL Award Nominations

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| 5 months ago

Upcoming Educational Opportunity: How to Write a Grievance

Information for upcoming course "How to Write a Grievance."

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| 5 months ago

Upcoming Women's Committee Meeting

Information for the next Women's Committee meeting.

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| 6 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/01/31)

Local Dispatch  

1. Expiration of Collective Agreement
2. Latest in Negotiations
3. February GMM
4. EDLC Spring School 2024
5. Local Educational Opportunities 

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| 6 months ago

Edmonton & District Labour Council Spring School 2024

Information for the EDLC Spring School 2024.

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