| 4 years ago

CUPW 730 Sends solidarity to blockading unifor workers

If not for Unifor’s willingness to fight unjust laws and police repression, their members would be back at work without any of their demands and a gutted pension. Their courage in this fight should be an inspiration to us all, and their victory could signal a radical change in our own union’s approach to government and court obstruction of our rights.

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| 4 years ago

Edmonton Postal Workers Denounce Steward Witch Hunt

"I’m disappointed it had to come to our entire station repeatedly confronting our managers but that’s what it took for them to clue in just how unsafe and unacceptable our situation was! A problem that CPC had over one year to find a solution was addressed in the matter of a few days once we fought back."

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| 4 years ago

2019 In Review - What Is the Union Doing?

There’s no sugar coating it: 2019 was a brutal year for postal workers. We’ve spent the entire year under unconstitutional legislation discouraging us from striking to leverage a better collective agreement out of CPC. Strike’s are very effective but without the (legal) power to strike our future is being surrendered to the arbitration system.

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| 4 years ago

December 2019 CUPW 730 Newsletter - Heavy Season

In this issue you’ll find extensive analysis on why consultations are a sham, political cartoons, a story about standing up to a bully boss in the EMPP, funny memes, how CPC restructure fraud at D2 continues to harm workers, and a heartfelt piece of how a member embraced activism after many years of dissatisfaction with the union. 

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| 4 years ago

EMPP Workers Confront Management Misconduct

Trevor was disliked the moment he was assigned as the new supervisor to the shift 1 parcel section. Where previous supervisors would be more respectful and ask workers about perceived hiccups in operations, Trevor would jump right in making accusations and threats in order to get his way. 

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| 4 years ago

Podcast: Edmonton Posties Willing to defy legislation

Rank & File, an excellent source for working class news an analysis, conducted an interview with our local President about why the Edmonton local is advocating a different approach for CUPW that emphasizes workfloor activism over proceduralism.

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| 4 years ago

November 2019 CUPW 730 Newsletter

Another great issue of our local newsletter is out and packed full of quality content! In it you will find the results of our back-to-work defiance referendum and the resulting open letter to our National Executive asking for support.

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| 4 years ago

Expanding Workfloor Organizing To Entire Prairie Region

Our local President had the opportunity to address attendees of the Oct 2019 CUPW Prairie Regional school on the mass workfloor organizing strategy being pursued in Edmonton. There, he shared a brand new proposal developed with the Regional Office to target, train and support organizing capacity in locals throughout the Prairies.

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