| 4 years ago

R&F Interview - How Edmonton Posties Are Fighting COVID-19

In Edmonton, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 730 has issued Canada Post management a formal set of expectations for them to meet. If management has not implemented the changes by Sunday March 29, postal workers will begin exercising their right to refuse unsafe work.

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| 4 years ago

CTV Interview - Working Conditions Undermine C19 Containment

We are continuing to get positive traction in the media to share the concerns of our members. As a result, the pressure keeps growing for CPC to get its act together to implement proper safety protocols.

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| 4 years ago

Postal Workers Willing To Refuse Dangerous Working Conditions

Canada Post is mostly saying the right words about the need to prepare their facilities to weather the COVID19 pandemic but, in practice, working conditions remain dangerous. It would be one thing if postal workers only had the capacity to infect themselves with COVID19; the reality, however, is that unless drastic, immediate safety measures are taken, Canada Post will also pose a threat to the...

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| 4 years ago

CBC interview - CPC not providing safe workplaces during pandemic

"But the truth is that if we can't do it safely, we are a greater risk to Canadians than if we weren't doing the service. So if we get contaminated, that is bad news for Canada."

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| 4 years ago


We continue to try our best at the local office to respond to every one of your many calls and emails, as well as keep you updated on this rapidly evolving situation. The biggest challenge we’re facing in the office is that the Government and even the CEO of CPC have been saying all the right things when it comes to what postal workers should be doing...

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| 4 years ago


Our office has also been having non-stop calls with upper CPC management about what they are doing to make sure the safety of our members is being prioritized as much as possible. Today, we had another call with upper-CPC and asked that the following changes be implemented as quickly as possible.

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| 4 years ago

Edmonton Local Solidarity With Calgary to Fight SSD

The struggle against the unilateral implementation of SSD continues to grow as the Edmonton & Calgary locals are now officially partnering to train more workfloor organizers to build the capacity needed to meaningfully fight back.

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| 4 years ago

Feb 2020 President's Report - Helping Others to Help Ourselves

"During my latest round of workfloor visits, I explained how arbitration has once again been unilaterally extended and how, unless our union radically changes our perspective on how change is made, we will be held hostage to this process which can never deliver us satisfaction." 

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