| 3 years ago

UPDATE: CUPW History Reading Group: My Union, My Life

My Union, My Life provides an ideal text for us to delve into the most active and organized periods of CUPW history, where we were able to make tremendous gains for ourselves and other workers. The lessons in Brother Parrot’s book will be invaluable as we prepare for the struggle to protect and improve our own jobs, as well as revitalize the Canadian labour movement. All CUPW activists welcome!

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/03/11) - March Madness!

Special GMM - Local Exec Election Rules - In Memoriam: Bill MacDonald - March 2021 Newsletter - President's Report - Sundries

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| 3 years ago

Hard Truths

Excerpt: If this is my last report to you as your President, thank-you for your courage, and the opportunity to try and reform our union into a credible, fighting force again...  Donating just one hour to vote for who you want leading and organizing our local during negotiations, and a potential strike, will be very well worth your time.

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| 3 years ago

In Memoriam: Bill MacDonald, Pioneer Postal Worker

Our local, and retired members, would like to pay tribute to a past president and lifelong union activist of LCUC 15 and CUPW 730, Bill MacDonald.

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| 3 years ago

Local Newsletter - March 2021 Edition

Edition Highlights: President’s Report: No Struggle, No Victory - Building Power To Win: Negotiations 2022 - Amazon Will Destroy Our Future - CPC Pandemic Negligence

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/03/03) - You Choose

Local Elections (President & 2nd Vice President) - GMM Debating Negotiation Demands - International Women's Day Events

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/02/24) - History Lessons

CUPW History Reading Group: My Union, My Life - Negotiation Demands Resolution Workshops - March Double GMM Registration 

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/02/19): Negotiation Station

GMMs Ratifying Negotiation Demands - Resolutions FAQ - Depot Resolutions Workshop - Brother Garang Memorium

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