| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/04/16) - Near Historic Election Results

Election Statement (Video) - Vote Breakdown Report - Comic "Bullying" Canada Post - Pre-Retirement Course

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/04/21) - Last Chance To Vote!

Final Voting: Local Election - Final Registration Call: Election Results GMM

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/03/30) - Rock The Vote!

Candidate Campaign Materials - April 2021 Newsletter - GMM Registration - Free Activist Training Workshop

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| 3 years ago

Local Newsletter - April 2021 Edition

Highlights for this edition: Executive Elections - Voting Times & Candidate Information / Negotiations 2022 - The 97 Demands Proposed By Our Local / Building Power To Win - An Update From The Floor / Bill MacDonald Memoriam - Remembering A Pioneer Postal Worker

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| 3 years ago

Local Elections 2021: Candidate Campaign Information

Welcome to Local Elections 2021: The Pandemic Edition! All candidates were provided the opportunity to submit campaign materials according to guidelines established in collaboration with the Election and Communications Committees, and in accordance with current C-19 protocols.

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| 3 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Saturday, April 10, 6:00pm

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/03/18) - CPC Is Watching You

Getting Out The Vote For Local Exec Elections - 97 Negotiation Demands Passed - Building Power To Win Update - Unionizing Amazon Workers

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| 3 years ago

Negotiations 2022 Demands Approved by CUPW 730 Membership

Throughout March, our local held numerous workshops educating members on the process of crafting and debating demands for upcoming negotiations with CPC.  This culminated in over 80 members, splitting seven hours between two GMMs to pass 97 negotiation demands aimed at making our jobs and lives better. A full package of all the resolutions we explored and passed can be found in this post.

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