| 3 years ago

Local General Membership Meetings (Online): March 7 & 13

In addition to regular GMM business, the March 7 GMM will focus on the presentation and adoption of RSMC negotiation demand resolutions for the CUPW Prairie Regional Conference. Another special GMM will be held Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11am to focus on Urban negotiation demands. Each meeting will have their own notice, and registration. 

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/02/11)

President's Report - Drafting Negotiation Demands - Local Elections  - Rashpal For City Council - Local Committee Meetings - Working In Extreme Cold

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| 3 years ago

CUPW 730 Civic Election Endorsement

Rashpal Sehmby, our very own Health & Safety officer and steadfast union activist, is running for council in the upcoming Edmonton civic election! It was to our local's great pleasure to join our CUPW Prairie office in endorsing Brother Sehmby at our last GMM in his efforts to be a progressive voice for the working class in his home ward.

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| 3 years ago

No Struggle, No Victory

On preparing for Negotiations 2022: We can’t force that change without creating leverage. We have no leverage if we don’t mobilize our membership en masse. We won’t be able to successfully organize and mobilize our members, without giving them the skills and confidence necessary through deliberate training. There are no shortcuts. The work must be put in.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/02/03)

February Newsletter - Last Call CUPW Webinar & GMM Registration - RSMC & Women's Committee Meetings

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| 3 years ago

Local Newsletter - February 2021 Edition

Edition Highlights: New webinar explaining how our union works - National campaign to prepare our membership for the next round of negotiations - The ugly truth behind the Epoch Times - Resources for those with mental health struggles

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/01/28)

Welcome to CUPW Webinar - Magnets Keep Us Together - Farmers Revolt In India - GMM Reminder

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| 3 years ago

Welcome to CUPW Webinar Series

As a new (or new to caring) CUPW member, it is vital that you learn the many ways to contribute to worker power within your union’s structure and have a basic understanding of what it means to be a part of our Union. It is also necessary that you prepare yourself to effectively push back against CPC’s inevitable negligence and power abuses. Please join us for this three-part webinar!

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