| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/05/15)

Local Dispatch (24/05/15)

  1. Negotiations Update
  2. Upcoming Education Committee Meeting
  3. Podcast Recommendation: Commons

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| 2 months ago

Upcoming Committee Meetings

Information for upcoming Education Committee and Social Committee meetings.

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| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/05/08)

Local Dispatch (24/05/08)

  1. Negotiations Information Roundup
  2. Local Strike Preparation Course
  3. Social Committee Events
  4. 4th Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary

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| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/05/01)

Local Dispatch (24/05/01)

  1. May GMM
  2. May Day
  3. Regional Educational Opportunity
  4. Social Committee Meeting

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| 3 months ago

May Day Events

Information regarding a rally in support of the NAIT Academic Staff Association and the annual May Day rally and march.

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| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/24)

Local Dispatch (24/04/24)

1. May GMM
2. Day of Mourning
3. 36th Annual Labour Appreciation Night

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| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/17)

Local Dispatch (24/04/17)

  • Negotiations Update
  • Upcoming Women's Committee Meeting

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