| a month ago

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Information for upcoming Building Worker Power and Basic Shop Steward courses.

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| a month ago

Upcoming Committee Meetings

Information for the next Women's Committee meeting.

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| a month ago

Local Dispatch (24/06/12)

Local Dispatch (24/06/12)

  1. SSD Announcements
  2. Picket Captains and Strike Preparation
  3. Waging Ahead Rally
  4. Billiards Night

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| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/06/05)

Local Dispatch (24/06/05)

  1. Front Yards in Bloom 25th Anniversary
  2. Picket Captains and Strike Preparation Course
  3. Billiards Night
  4. Negotiations Update
  5. Labor Notes Training: Secrets of a Successful Organizer

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| 2 months ago

Front Yards In Bloom - 25th Anniversary

Information for the 2024 season of Front Yards in Bloom.

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| 2 months ago

Local Newsletter - Spring 2024 Edition

Highlights for this Edition:

  1. President's Report
  2. EMPP Consultation Update
  3. Injury on Duty
  4. Social Steward Presentations
  5. No Relief - The Update

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| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/05/29)

  1. Day of Action
  2. June GMM

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| 2 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/05/22)

Local Dispatch (24/05/22)

  1. June GMM
  2. Building Worker Power Course
  3. Upcoming Committee Meetings
  4. CUPW National Day of Action
  5. Enough is Enough 

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