| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/24)

Local Dispatch (24/04/24)

1. May GMM
2. Day of Mourning
3. 36th Annual Labour Appreciation Night

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| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/17)

Local Dispatch (24/04/17)

  • Negotiations Update
  • Upcoming Women's Committee Meeting

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| 3 months ago

Upcoming Women's Committee Meeting

Information for the next Women's Committee meeting.

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| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/10)

Local Dispatch (24/04/10)

  • Welcome to the New Local 730 Executive
  • Social Committee Event
  • Prairie School for Union Women
  • National Day of Mourning
  • Welcome to CUPW Course

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| 3 months ago

Local Dispatch (24/04/02)

Local Dispatch

  1. Barbecue!
  2. April GMM
  3. Executive Election
  4. Social Committee Meeting
  5. Welcome to CUPW Course
  6. Negotiations Update

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| 4 months ago

Local Dispatch (27/03/24)

Local Dispatch

  1. Call-out for Picket Captains!
  2. Negotiations Update
  3. Strike Merchandise Graphic Design Contest
  4. April GMM
  5. Local Executive Election

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| 4 months ago

Arbitration Decision on Uncovered Routes

Formal arbitration decision on uncovered Letter Carrier routes.

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