Friends and comrades,
In this week's Dispatch, we are covering recent negotiations updates, upcoming committee meetings, a call for submissions for our Local newsletter, upcoming Executive elections, the Union Education Program 2025, a GoFundMe for a member of the Edmonton Local, and strike cheques.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
Negotiations Update
On January 10th, our union announced that there would be 3-days of contract negotiations happening this week (January 15th, 16th, and 17th) with William Kaplan appointed to work as a mediator between our union and the Corporation. Kaplan has stressed the importance of finding common ground and coming out of this 3-day period with tentative agreements, and a recent bulletin from our National Office does say that there has been some movement. To read the full bulletin, click
Since the previous Dispatch, the dates for the hearing for our union's challenge to the Minister of Labour's use of Section 107 and Section 108 have changed. Those hearings will now be held on January 27th and 28th. To read that bulletin, click
HERE. We will provide updates on these hearings when we can.
For a more in depth explanation of Section 107 and Section 108 of the Canada Labour Code, click
Upcoming Committee Meetings
For details about the upcoming Women's Committee (January 23rd) and Education Committee (January 31st) meetings, please click
Call for Submissions
We are looking to get submissions for a future issue of our Local newsletter, the InsideOut, about your experience being on strike, on the picket line, and so on. There is no required word count. The deadline is
Monday, January 20th, 2025. Please send all submissions to
Upcoming Executive Elections
The following Executive positions are quickly coming up for election: Secretary-Treasurer, Grievance Officer, 1st Vice-President (Organizing), 3rd Vice-President (Collections and Delivery), and 5th Vice-President (Garage, Maintenance, Registration, and Wickets). For a full description of these positions, you can read them in the Local By-Laws
These positions are for 3-year terms and to be eligible for nomination for these positions, you must have attended 50% of the general membership meetings in the prior year and you must be nominated by a Member in Good Standing.
Nominations must be submitted to the Local Office (18121 107 Ave NW) by Friday, February 28th, 2025, at 5 pm. Voting will occur and results will be announced on Saturday, April 5th, 2025. Dates for advanced polls are forthcoming.
To see the full poster and the nomination form, click
Union Education Program 2025
CUPW will be offering its Union Education Program in late 2025. The purpose of this program is to build leadership capacity in our union by increasing participants' knowledge of the world and politics, the labour movement, and the climate emergency.
If this interests you, click
HERE to read the full bulletin and the requirements to participate in the course. The
deadline to apply is
March 1st, 2025.
A member of our Local is currently in need of assistance and has started a GoFundMe. Her son was attacked while on vacation and is now in a coma in a hospital in the Dominican Republic. Currently without a timeline for when she can leave with her son, she will be in need of money for food, rent, and transportation. To read the full story and to donate or share the fundraiser, please click
Strike Cheques
If you are having any ongoing issues with your strike cheques, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer at
- Strike Relief Fund Merch: For more information, see prior Dispatch HERE.
- Community Resources Information Sheet: For a list of community resources, click HERE.
- Teamsters Canada Rail Petition: To read and sign this petition, click HERE.
- Women's Committee Workplace Harassment Survey: To take part in the workplace harassment survey, please click HERE. This survey is open to all members.
- Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
- Union Savings: To take part in these savings, you can register at