| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/05/13) - Urban Demands Conference

In this dispatch: 

1) President's report - May 2021 - Trust the Membership
2) Political comic, No Relief, presents: "Accidents"
3) Full technical notes from Urban negotiations demands regional conference 2021

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| 3 years ago

Trust the Membership

In this report:

1) Harassment complaints successfully chasing a supervisor from CPC.
2) Lessons from our conversation with CUPW radical, Jean-Claude Parrot.
A report on the Urban Regional negotiation demands conference.
4) The top 10 negotiation demands passed at Urban Regional conference.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/05/06) - The Third Wave

Leave Options For Childcare - Last Call May 8 GMM Registration - Discussing Defiance - May Day Speech - NEW RSMC Contract

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| 3 years ago

An Evening With CUPW Legend Comrade Jean-Claude Parrot 

A couple weeks back, our CUPW History Reading Group wrapped up discussion on “My Union, My Life," with the author, Jean-Claude Parrot, joining us as the guest of honour. Brother JCP was kind enough to offer his time, insights and perspectives to current CUPW activists trying to revitalize an ever weakening labour movement and how we can best prepare our membership for the challenges ahead.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/04/28) - Day of Mourning

Day of Mourning - May Newsletter Out Now - May GMM Registration - A Virtual May Day Ceremony 

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| 3 years ago

Local Newsletter - May 2021 Edition

Highlights for this edition: Local Elections - A (Near) Historic Candidate Win to Reform CUPW  / Officer Reports - Updates from Grievance & A New 2nd VP / Day of Mourning 2021 - April 28 Digital Ceremony / New Comic - Will "No Relief" Change its Bullying Ways?

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/04/21) - Losing A Member To C19

May GMM Registration - Virtual May Day Celebrations - Free Organizer Training - Latest Local Comic

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| 3 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Saturday, May 8, 11:00am

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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