| 12-20-2024

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Local Dispatch (24/12/19)

Friends and comrades,
In this week's Dispatch, we are covering some recent negotiations updates, a thank you from our Local President, an update about the strike cheques, information about our picket pantry, and our Local pocket calendar.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
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Negotiations Update
The most recent negotiations update was published on December 17th ("Negotiations Updates: Next Steps") and it outlines. This bulletin mentions that our union will be challenging the use of Section 107 before the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) and in the court system. The next step, however, is to meet with William Kaplan who the Minister of Labour appointed to lead the Industrial Inquiry Commission.
This Commission as led by Kaplan has been designated to review the issues that prevented our union and employer from reaching negotiated settlements; make recommendations about how to amend the collective agreements; make recommendations about "any other changes" to be made; and make recommendations about "the structures, right as responsibilities" of our union and employer in collective bargaining.
To read the full bulletin, click HERE.
In case you missed it, our union did have a victory with filing an unfair labour practice against the Corporation's after 328 CUPW members received notice of lay off during our strike. The outcome was that the Corporation was to immediately notify all affected members that they are not on a temporary lay off.
To read the full bulletin, click HERE. If you have encountered anything different since returning to work, please reach out to the Local office (780-423-9000).
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Thank You from Local President James Ball

On December 17th, 2024, our strike was ended by the government using Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code. There have been some holdouts, but most of the members across Canada chose to return to work and await legal restitution.

Our struggle isn't over. The next steps are on January 13th and 14th, 2025, where CUPW will challenge the ministerial directions. After that, we need to worry about what the Commission report will say on May 15th. We don't intend to sit idle in that time and we are working on a Local plan to challenge any regressive changes that the government may propose.

We stood tall and proud and we walked the line with unwavering numbers for 32 days. I want to thank all of you for doing that. We won in a lot of ways. I have always believed that the Corporation intended to starve us out, but with your support we forced their hand.

The logistics industry virtually collapsed without our presence. CEO Doug Ettinger's gamble on Purolator failed, and in the end a public statement of our demands and the reduction of those demands broke their game. They had no other way to win but to order us back, and that's really just a delay.

To all of you, continue to stand tall and proud when you are at work. Build on the solidarity that you developed on the picket line. Remember that our fight isn't over and that our biggest victories have taken years. Past National President Jean-Claude Parrot went to jail in 1978 for refusing to speak on an order he didn't believe in, but it wasn't until 4-years later that we won what we were fighting for: maternity leave, which changed the landscape across the country for all of us.

To the picket captains who made things happen and kept us warm, to the officers who worked 16+ hour days with no days off, to those members with injuries who helped in the office, to those who helped with the unending task of getting people paid, to the members who brought food, extra clothing, wood, creativity, and positivity: you have my respect, you have the respect of your fellow union members and allies.

To the members who walked the line: solidarity and thank you.

The struggle continues,

James Ball, President

Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 730 – Edmonton & Affiliates

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Strike Cheques
Strike cheques will be available for pickup at the union office (18121 107 Ave NW) starting on Saturday, December 21st from 12 pm to 4 pm and again on Monday, December 23rd from 6 am to 5 pm.
If your cheque is not picked up, it will be mailed out to the address that we have on file starting after the Christmas break.
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Picket Pantry
With the ongoing support of our Local's hoodie and long sleeve shirt sales, and with help from the affiliates of both the Edmonton & District Labour Council and the Alberta Federation of Labour, our Local office now has a variety of non-perishable food items available to our members.
If you are in need and would like to take some of these items, please come to the union office with a small bag and take some items.
If we have any leftover items, they will be returned to the EDLC to be given to other unions that have members in need or the Edmonton Food Bank.
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Pocket Calendars
I am pleased to report that the 2025 pocket calendars will be available as of next week and we will do our best to get those distributed to each facility. 
I would like to thank everyone who looked over a draft of the calendar as well as everyone I bothered on the picket line at the EMPP as I desperately tried to figure out the dates for night worker's leave.
  • Strike Relief Fund Merch: For more information, see prior Dispatch HERE.
  • Community Resources Information Sheet: For a list of community resources, click HERE.
  • Teamsters Canada Rail Petition: To read and sign this petition, click HERE.
  • Women's Committee Workplace Harassment Survey: To take part in the workplace harassment survey, please click HERE. This survey is open to all members.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
  • Union Savings: To take part in these savings, you can register at unionsavings.ca/
