| 2 years ago

Letter Carrier Overtime Procedure

Have you been off on leave only to come back to an undelivered route that you've been told you're expected to take care of? It's extremely likely that you have, but did you know what to do? If not, it's probably a good time to brush up on what our overtime (OT) procedure is according to our Collective Agreement (CA). Coverage of Uncovered Routes/Assignments When it comes to uncovered routes, th......

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| 2 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Saturday, September 10th, 10 AM

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying document below the GMM notice.Register: LINK Deadline: Friday, Sept 9th, 2022, noon.

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| 2 years ago

RSMCs Need A Break, Part 2

In the morning of August 11th, 2022, members of CUPW Local 730 met with Member of Parliament Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) to discuss the ongoing struggle of Rural Suburban Mail Carriers (RSMCs) when it comes to high gas prices. Canada Post claims it's doing RSMCs a favour by paying them the minimum rates so that they don't lose the payment to taxes. Meanwhile, we have RSMCs going into ...

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| 2 years ago

Postie Picnic Potluck

Our Local's Social Committee is excited to be able to invite you to a potluck picnic. Cutlery, plates, snacks, and drinks will be provided, but we are asking that you bring some food and yourself (your family is also welcome!) so we can once again get together, meet old friends, make new friends, and enjoy each other's company. Date: August 20th, 2022 Time: 4pm to 8pm Location: Borden Park (112...

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| 2 years ago

RSMCs Need A Break From High Gas Prices

On July 27th, 2022, members of CUPW Local 730 met with NDP MP Heather McPherson to discuss the ongoing burden Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers (RSMCs) are dealing with because of high gas prices. While RSMCs are compensated for gas costs by Canada Post, the rate was last updated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in December 2021 and is no longer realistic given the current gas prices. Members ......

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| 2 years ago

Local Newsletter - July 2022 Edition

Highlights for this edition:

1. Interim President’s Report - Steady On
2. "Picket Lines Mean Do Not Cross"
3. Pronouns on the Workfloor
4. No Relief - The Initiative, Part I

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| 2 years ago

Local Dispatch (22/07/26) - Summer days

This dispatch contains:

  • Postie Potluck in the Park
  • Temporary Chief Shop Stewards for EMPP
  • RSMC fuel costs
  • Shop Steward training

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| 2 years ago

Local Dispatch (22/07/13)

Friends and Comrades,   Our Local has kicked the Summer off with a couple of important lections. Please refer to the President's Report for further details regarding the results. Also included in this dispatch is a chance to weigh in on the discussion of how our Local will conduct General Membership Meetings. Lastly, you can find a recording of our roundtable discussion with Brother Jean-Claude......

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