| 2 years ago

International Women's Day Events by Women for Rights and Empowerment

Join Women for Rights and Empowerment for their upcoming International Women's Day events!

(photo by Paula Kirman)

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| 2 years ago

EMPP Shift 3 Members Forum: Saturday, March 5, 1pm

All EMPP Shift 3 members are invited to attend a forum discussing how we can all work together to strengthen union solidarity on Shift 3 for the benefit and protection of all members.

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| 2 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Sun, Mar 6, 6pm

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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| 2 years ago

Local Dispatch (22/02/17): Hindsight 2021

In this dispatch: 
1) "Freedom Convoy" & CUPW Organizing Analysis
2) Local Newsletter - February 2022
3) Delivering Community Power

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| 2 years ago

Local Newsletter - February 2022 Edition

Highlights for this edition: - President's Report: Hindsight 2021 / Make a difference by getting involved  / The "multi-injury program" is not a program  / No Relief comic - The Initiative, Part 2

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| 2 years ago

Hindsight 2021: Preparing CUPW For The Major Battles Ahead

The crisis of purpose facing CUPW can be solved by returning to the fundamentals of true unionism: leadership must do everything it can to develop and nurture the organizing capacity of our membership, and our membership must go about growing our own organizing capacity whether supported by our leadership or not.

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| 2 years ago

(Virtual) General Membership Meeting: Sat, Feb 5, 11am

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying post.

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| 2 years ago

Local Dispatch (21/12/17): Snow Daze

In this dispatch: 
1) Vaccine grievance update
2) Pocket calendars
3) Organizing training opportunity
4) Donation drive

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