| 4 years ago

Why Workfloor Enforcement of safety standards is important

Some of our members in a couple depots and the EMPP are having difficulty understanding why the union is recommending certain safety standards. Here are some detailed explanations for how staggered starts should work and why they're important, as well as how to make sure management is following adequate physical distancing guidelines.

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| 4 years ago

Helping CUPW Locals Without Sufficient Anti-C19 Measures

This note is to provide constructive suggestions and resources for any members, anywhere in Canada, still working in facilities that do not have adequate anti-C19 safety protocol in place. These resources are based on the Edmonton local’s experience and what has worked here. Take whatever information you feel will be helpful and leave the rest.

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| 4 years ago

Public support petition for safety measures & More Media Interviews

If we want to buy into a containment strategy, we need Canada Post to apply these measures evenly everywhere. A lot of other locals in our union are still experiencing this lack of proper sanitation or physical distancing provisions. Postal workers are feeling a lot of frustration because they do want to help out during this crisis but they want to have that assurance that they can do it safely.

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| 4 years ago

Report - How CPC Inaction Will Prolong the COVID-19 Crisis

Since late Jan 2020, CPC had awareness of COVID19 and over 50 days to implement anti-COVID19 measures. After over 40 days of CPC inaction in Edmonton, it took less than a week of collective workfloor pressure to force CPC to act. Edmonton’s experience is that safety measures were only implemented with urgency by CPC once workfloors began openly discussing, and preparing, to refuse unsafe work.

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| 4 years ago

CPC Responds to demands As Members Prepare Work Refusal

The time for talking, and ‘looking into it’, has long since passed and we need written assurances from CPC of what is being done and when it will be done. The sooner you respond the better so that we can communicate to our members what CPC is promising so our members can then decide if what you’re offering is enough to keep themselves, their families, and the public, sufficiently safe.

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| 4 years ago

Podcast interview - Posties Organize for C19 Health & Safety

Are front-line workers equipped with what they need to prevent the spread of COVID-19— and if not, how are they organizing to ensure the health and safety of their workplaces? Roland Schmidt, president of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 730, joins Team Advantage to discuss the conditions at mail facilities, the difference between management's communications and actions, and...

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| 4 years ago

R&F Interview - How Edmonton Posties Are Fighting COVID-19

In Edmonton, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 730 has issued Canada Post management a formal set of expectations for them to meet. If management has not implemented the changes by Sunday March 29, postal workers will begin exercising their right to refuse unsafe work.

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| 4 years ago

CTV Interview - Working Conditions Undermine C19 Containment

We are continuing to get positive traction in the media to share the concerns of our members. As a result, the pressure keeps growing for CPC to get its act together to implement proper safety protocols.

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