| 06-23-2021

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Local Dispatch (21/06/23) - CPC Sets A Trap?

Comrades and friends,

A bombshell was dropped by the National office the other day that CPC approached CUPW last month with an offer to extend our current collective agreement by two years. Even though some of us may be tempted to avoid the confrontation needed to improve our livelihoods, we must realize that CPC would never propose something like this unless it was to their benefit at our expense. Every bargaining round that we delay, or get legislated back, means all the more ground we lose and will eventually have to fight back to recover. For now we wait to see the full proposal which will determine how we will campaign during the required referendum vote. In the end, the membership decides. No struggle, no victory. To read the full bulletin: link.

Other important updates in this dispatch include:

1) How Federal pandemic health guidelines take priority in our workplaces over whatever changes are made with Provincial standards.
The latest ‘No Relief’ comic showcasing the dark arts developed in management training sessions.
3) General membership meeting notice for Sunday, July 11, 6pm. As per the bylaws, this will be our last GMM until Saturday, Sept 11.
4) Last reminder for Front Yards In Bloom nominations.
5) TONIGHT! Movie night discussion with Noam Chomsky.

In Solidarity,


Federal VS. Provincial C19 Health Guidelines 

As various provinces gradually relax their COVID-19 measures, CPC intends to stay the course on current health and safety measures. If there are to be any changes it will be a result of discussions between our National Health & Safety representatives and CPC, and will be shared as they develop. Below is the full policy being proposed and maintained by CPC: 

What you need to know:

- The health and safety of employees, customers and communities remains our highest priority.
While many provinces are relaxing COVID-19 measures at the local and provincial level, Canada Post will continue to follow guidance from our federal partners.
- As a Crown corporation, we follow guidance on all matters related to COVID-19 from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and we are regulated federally by Employment and Social Development Canada.
- We are in close contact with PHAC regarding the pandemic. We continue to review all our COVID-19 measures with a view to relaxing them as the COVID-19 situation improves.
- Canada Post will advise all team leaders and employees about any changes to our health and safety measures as needed. 

What you need to do:

- All employees must continue to follow our COVID-19 safety measures. This includes:

a) Maintaining physical distancing of two meters
Wearing your second-generation face covering (or single-use procedural mask for those in Quebec) provided by Canada Post
c) Conducting a self-assessment for symptoms before reporting to work
d) Washing/sanitizing your hands frequently

For more information, see our COVID-19 FAQ page.

No Relief presents: "You're Still Here?"

CUPW 730's very own agit-provocateur, Kyle Turner, is back at it again with his latest slice of comic art imitating life. Will Overlord Dritch discover the evil in his own heart, or will our scrappy logistics facilitation agent continue to thwart his plans for maximum profitability?

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(Virtual) GMM: Sunday, July 11, 2021, 6:00pm

As per the direction given by our CUPW National Executive, locals can hold GMMs via video conference as long as quorum is met and all participants have registered with all the required information by the specified deadline. For our full virtual GMM guidelines, please see the accompanying document below the GMM notice.

Register: www.cupw730.ca/home/calendar or LINK

Deadline: Friday, July 9, 2021, 1pm. Registrations are confirmed after the deadline.

Those registering after the deadline will not be admitted. Please respect the time and efforts of those administering these meetings. For extenuating circumstances, or help registering, please contact: union@cupwedm.net

Full meeting notice: link

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Front Yards In Bloom - Last Chance For Nominations!

CUPW 730 along with our partners, the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Horticultural Society are launching a new year of Front Yards in Bloom—a beloved tradition for gardeners, yard enthusiasts and community members. CUPW 730 helped cofound this program in 1999 which is the largest of its kind in Canada. Last year 5,000+ yards were nominated city-wide with postal workers nominating over 1000. As we walk or drive by people's homes, the beautiful yards brighten our day. If you would like to nominate a home on your route or in your neighbourhood, please fill out the forms made available in all facilities, or use the form online: www.frontyardsinbloom.ca

Nomination Form: Link 

Questions: Contact Kathleen Mpulubusi

TONIGHT! Movie Night Discussion With Noam Chomsky

AUPE, one of our closest labour allies, is restarting its Labour in Motion Movie Club! Join us and Professor Noam Chomsky to discuss his 2015 film Requiem for the American Dream as well as the past few years of populism, pandemics and people’s power, and what you can do in the fight for a more free, equal and just society.

Named as the most quoted living author, Noam Chomsky is a Laureate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Arizona and an outspoken critic of the U.S. government, propaganda in the mass media, and capitalism.

Watch the movie: Link

Join the event June 23, 630pm: Link

Missed it? Watch recorded event: Link
