| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (20/09/30)

Last Call October GMM Registration - Updated Temp Rights (Urban) Package - Climate Justice Webinar

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| 3 years ago

President's Report - Recalibration

There are many ways the pandemic is challenging our ability to empower and organize our members but we endeavor to find creative ways to push ahead. After taking the summer months to recharge, our activists and new Education chair, have come up with an ambitious schedule that allows for our local to continue offering training opportunities for our members.

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| 3 years ago

Shop Steward Training (Basic & Advanced)

Much like the pandemic, CPC will not be taking a break from making the lives of our members difficult. The more shop stewards we have on our workfloors, the less likely CPC is able to take advantage of members who are not aware of their rights. Learn how to be a steward with the basic training, or refine your existing skills in the advanced course.

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| 3 years ago

Workers Helping Workers - Food Bank Drive

For the last 30 years labour organizations, with the help of the Edmonton and District Labour council, have been holding a Labour Day barbecue at Giovanni Caboto park within the heart of our city. Here, many underprivileged and underemployed citizens gathered for a meal. The goal has always been to draw attention to the needs of the hard-working people in Edmonton. With a world pandemic on our ...

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| 3 years ago

Wearing Is Caring

Many still misunderstand why wearing a mask at this time is important. The point is not that most masks will meaningfully prevent the wearer from getting sick -- they won’t. The point is that by wearing any kind of mouth and nose covering, the wearer is considerably less likely to asymptotically spread the virus.

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| 3 years ago

Local Newsletter - September 2020 Edition

After taking a well-deserved summer break, our communications committee is back with the newest edition of our newsletter. This will also be the first issue since the pandemic started to have a physical print version distributed.

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| 3 years ago

EMPP COVID-19 Concerns & Mandatory Masks

Although many of us are suffering pandemic fatigue, this latest scare should remind us to remain vigilant in our health measures. Last month, Edmonton city council passed a bylaw that makes wearing a mask mandatory for all public, indoor places... Despite this bylaw not applying to most of our members, we're encouraging everyone to always wear a mask at work.

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| 4 years ago

July 2020 President's Report - Lessons From Arbitration 2020

The result was what we’ve been warning members about since this mess started: the conditions making your job worse will continue to fester. Yes, our pay was increased to barely match inflation, but in the context of the whole contract, this amounts to little more than a band-aid being applied to a severed artery -- it’ll take slightly longer, but we’re still bleeding out.

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