| 03-19-2025

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Local Dispatch (25/03/19)

Friends and comrades,
In this week's Dispatch, we are covering a day of action to show solidarity with US postal workers, our Local Executive elections, some upcoming committee meetings, and the Women's Committee and the Prairie School for Union Women.
I would also like to point out there is a movie night happening this Saturday at 7 pm at the office. We'll be watching Groundhog Day. Drinks and snacks will be provided by the Social Committee. This is a family-friendly event.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
Solidarity with US Postal Workers
On Thursday, March 20th, CUPW will join US postal workers for a day of solidarity to defend the public post office. This is following the announcement that the Postmaster General, Louis Dejoy, with the help of the Trump Administration and the Department of Government Efficiency, is planning to cut 10,000 jobs and review the leases of more than 30,000 retail outlets. 
This is in addition to the 30,000 jobs that have been eliminated since DeJoy was appointed by Trump in 2021. The fear is the same as the one we are facing here and that is that the end goal is privatization. This would only serve to benefit the private couriers, operating in urban centres, while leaving people who live in more rural or remote areas with higher costs or nothing at all.
To read the full bulletin, click HERE. To take part in the day of action and download signs to print to show your support, click HERE.
Local Executive Elections
Nominations closed at the end of February and there is going to be an election for the position of Grievance Officer. To see campaign materials for nominees, click HERE
There will be an advanced poll on Wednesday, March 26th from 7 am until 7 pm. Please enter the office through the front door. 
Mail-out ballots for the affiliates will be sent out on March 20th. In order for these votes to count, they must be returned in the envelope provided and arrive at the Unity Square post office by April 4th.
The final day to vote will be Saturday, April 5th from 11 am until 5 pm. The April GMM will be moved to 6 pm and the results will be announced at the GMM.
If you have any questions, contact Chair of the Elections Committee Karry Biri by phone (780-423-9000 ext 2) or cupw730election@gmail.com.

Upcoming Committee Meetings
There are two committee meetings happening on Thursday, March 20th. The Women's Committee is meeting at 7 pm at the union hall (18121 107 Ave). The Organizing Committee meeting is happening at 7 pm via Zoom.
There are also two Special Assessment Committee meetings coming up on March 25th and April 1st. For further details, click HERE.

Women's Committee and the Prairie School for Union Women
The Women's Committee would like to give a shout out to the members who attended the International Women's Day event, and give a special thank you to Karry Biri and Vanessa Danbrook for speaking at the event.
The Women's Committee is also still looking for interested members to attend the Prairie School for Union Women. For more information, you can see the brochure for this year's school HERE. If you are interested in attending or have any questions, you can contact the Women's Committee at Womenof730@gmail.com
  • Movie Night: March 22nd at 7 pm at the office (18121 107 Ave). Watching Groundhog Day. Snacks and drinks provided. Family-friendly event.
  • Local Education Schedule: To see the Local education schedule, click HERE.
  • Strike Relief Fund Merch: For more information, see prior Dispatch HERE.
  • Picket Pantry: Picket pantry is still open in the back of the office (18121 107 Ave NW). If you have donations, they can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
  • Double Deductions for Basic Life and Disability Insurance: You may have had double deductions taken from your paycheque. Click HERE for more information.
  • Education for All!: For more information about this campaign, click HERE.
  • GoFundMe for Member of Edmonton Local: To donate or share, click HERE.
  • Community Resources Information Sheet: For a list of community resources, click HERE.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
  • Union Savings: To take part in these savings, you can register at unionsavings.ca/
