| 06-12-2024

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Local Dispatch (24/06/12)

Friends and comrades,
In this week's Dispatch, we are covering some announcements about SSD implementation, picket captains and strike preparation, a CUPE support rally in Stony Plain, and our Social Committee's upcoming billiards night.
In solidarity,
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
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SSD Announcements
It has been announced that the Corporation is planning to convert the Mayfield and Sherwood Park depots to its Separate Sortation from Delivery model. The current implementation dates are June 16th, 2025, for Mayfield and September 15th, 2025, for Sherwood Park.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Local office (780-423-9000).
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Picket Captains and Strike Preparation
Our next Local strike preparation course is happening on June 13th, but we are planning to hold another strike prep course at a later date still to be determined. If you would like to attend this future course, please get in touch with our Education Officer at educate730@gmail.com.
We are also still looking for members who are interested in becoming picket captains for their work facilities. If you are interested, please reach out to union@cupwedm.net.
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Waging Ahead Rally

CUPE Local 5543, which represents Parkland School Division Support Staff, is hosting a rally on Saturday, June 15th from 10 am until 11:30 am at 4416 48 St, Stony Plain.
From the organizers: "You are invited to join CUPE Local 5543 for our upcoming Waging Ahead Rally, where we will stand together to raise awareness about violence in the workplace, the need for greater health and safety practices for support staff and to advocate for respect and fair wages!"
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Billiards Night
The Social Committee is hosting a billiards night on June 27th at Gateway Lanes (3414 Gateway BLVD) from 8 pm to 10 pm. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the Social Committee at Socials730@gmail.com.
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  • Front Yards in Bloom: Deadline to nominate yards is July 1st. For more information, see our website post HERE.
  • Most Recent Negotiations Update: June 3rd, 2024
  • Megan Whitfield Bursary: For more information and to apply for the 4th Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary, click HERE.
  • Secrets of a Successful Organizer: June 12th is the last day to apply through our Local to attend this Labor Notes training. For more information, see our previous Dispatch.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
