| 2 days ago

Local Dispatch (24/07/24)

Local Dispatch (24/07/24)

  1. National Day of Action
  2. September GMM
  3. Women's Committee Equinox and Workplace Harassment Survey
  4. Support the Negotiation Committee Shirts
  5. New Constitutions Now Available

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| a week ago

Local Dispatch (24/07/18)

Local Dispatch (24/07/18)

  1. National Day of Action
  2. Upcoming Educational Opportunities
  3. Women's Committee Equinox

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| a week ago

Women's Committee Equinox

Information for the upcoming Women's Committee Equinox.

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| 2 weeks ago

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Information for the Regional 5-Day Courses and the EDLC's Annual Fall Labour School.

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| 2 weeks ago

Local Dispatch (24/07/10)

Local Dispatch

  1. Day of Action and Negotiations Update
  2. Women's Committee Equinox
  3. Social Committee Meeting
  4. Elks Labour Day Rematch
  5. IATSE Callout

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| 2 weeks ago

Upcoming Committee Meetings

Information for the next Social Committee meeting.

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| 3 weeks ago

Local Dispatch (24/07/02)

Local Dispatch

  1. July GMM
  2. Reminders

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