| 07-31-2024

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Local Dispatch (24/07/31)

Friends and comrades,
This week's Dispatch is mostly reminders about the September GMM, the Women's Committee Equinox and workplace harassment survey, but it also contains information about the most recent National Day of Action, the Front Yards In Bloom wrap-up, and information for donating to Red Cross Jasper wildfire relief work.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
September GMM
This is mostly a reminder, but our September GMM will be happening in-person only at 10 am at Rundle Family Centre in Rundle Park (2909 113 Ave). This will be followed by a family-friendly strike preparation event and a town hall meeting, with the latest negotiations updates, strike plans, and time to ask questions and give feedback.
July 25th Day of Action Report Back
Postal Workers across the country took part in the National Day of Action last week to let our employer know that our health and safety needs to be taken seriously and not used as a means to discipline us. To see photos from this event, click HERE.
If you don't see your facility represented here or if you would like to become more involved with our Building Worker Power program and these days of action, please reach out to our Regional Organizer James Ball (jball@cupw-sttp.org).
Some facilities have also been escalating their actions and doing such things as marching on the boss. If you're interested in learning more about those kinds of actions, that would be another reason to get involved with Building Worker Power!
Front Yards in Bloom Wrap-up
Thank you everyone who nominated beautiful front yards for Front Yards in Bloom! Overall, there were 4,466 yards nominated city-wide. Over 1,400 yards were nominated by CUPW members and most of those were single nominations.
The prize winners of City Passes and CUPW swag were as follows: Jennifer Bailey, Yanli Holmes, Sunshine Rivas, Glen Stott and Tara Dodd. Congratulations to the prize winners and thank you again to everyone who took the time to nominate front yards!
Online voting for the top yards in each category will be from August 12-18. Everyone is invited to vote at www.frontyardsinbloom.ca. If one of the top yards is one you nominated, contact me at kmpulu@gmail.com and let me know!
- Kathleen Mpulubusi
Jasper Wildfire Relief
By now, you've probably all heard about the damage caused by wildfires in Jasper. Today (July 31st) marks the Alberta Day of Caring, a fundraising effort between radio stations and bottle depots. To participate in this event, you can take your bottles to a depot and say, "these are for Jasper."
If you would like to donate directly to the Red Cross, you can do so by clicking HERE. The Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta will be matching every dollar donated.
Women's Committee Updates
Registration is still open for the Women's Committee's 25th anniversary Equinox. For more information and to download an application to register, click HERE.
Last week, the Women's Committee launched its workplace harassment survey. If you would like to take part in this survey, you can do so by clicking HERE.
  • Upcoming Educationals: Applications are currently being accepted for the EDLC Annual Fall School and a Prairie & Pacific Regional 5-day course. For more information, click HERE.
  • Most Recent Negotiations Update: July 5th - Bargaining Update: No Rollbacks! No Concessions!
  • Elks Labour Day Rematch: The Local has purchased 20 tickets for this EDLC-endorsed match. For more information and to inquire about tickets, see the prior Dispatch HERE. Deadline to get your name in for these tickets is September 4th.
  • IATSE Callout: IATSE is looking for workers for the upcoming Pink and Metallica concerts. If you are interested and have the proper certification/equipment, you can contact IATSE at iatse210@iatse210.com or by going to their office at 10428 123 St, Edmonton.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
