| 07-10-2024

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Local Dispatch (24/07/10)

Friends and comrades,

In this week's Dispatch, we'll be covering the July Day of Action and a negotiations update, the upcoming Women's Committee Equinox, the next Social Committee meeting, the Elks Labour Day Rematch, and a callout from IATSE to find workers to help with upcoming Pink and Metallica concerts.
Before we get to that, I would like to remind people that there is no general membership meeting in August. The next GMM will be on September 7th with more of an event and get-together to follow. More details will be provided in future Dispatches.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
Day of Action and Negotiations Update
The Building Worker Power monthly day of action will be continuing this month on July 25th. Stay tuned for more details. If you would like to see some photos from the previous Day of Action, you can find those on the CUPW National website HERE. If you would like to become a BWP workfloor captain, please get in touch with our regional organizer James Ball (jball@cupw-sttp.org).
Applying pressure on our workfloors and showing that we can coordinate and organize is a great way to show support for our contract demands and negotiation committees. Based on the most recent negotiations update from July 5th, showing this level of solidarity will be especially important.
According to this update, our negotiators have met with CPC's negotiators more than 100-times and there has been little progress on our major demands, such as stopping Separate Sortation from Delivery and giving RSMCs the same time values as Urban letter carriers for doing the same work.
The update also provides a list of rollbacks that CPC is looking for. These rollbacks include a two-tier pension plan; flexible benefits with higher premiums for those most in need; less vacation time for new regular employees; eliminating night worker recovery leave; and getting rid of Appendix "CC," which would allow CPC to make changes to delivery route measurement systems without union involvement.
To read the full bulletin, click HERE.
In case we end up on a picket line due to a strike or a lockout, if you're interested in becoming a picket captain, please reach out to union@cupwedm.net. If you'd like to attend the next strike preparation course (date to be determined), please get in touch with educate730@gmail.com
Women's Committee Equinox
The Women's Committee will be hosting an Equinox event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Women's Committee. This event is happening on September 6th-8th at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre (52535 Range Rd 212, Uncas, AB).
Applications will be available next week. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach the Women's Committee at womenof730@gmail.com
Social Committee Meeting
The next Social Committee meeting will be happening on Tuesday, July 16th at 7:30 via Zoom. For more information, see our website post HERE.
Elks Labour Day Rematch
At the July GMM, the Local voted to purchase 20 tickets for the Elks game at the next Labour Day Rematch, which is being endorsed by the Edmonton & District Labour Council.
If you are interested in attending, please get in touch with Secretary-Treasurer Karry Biri (Treasurer@cupwedm.net). If more than 20 members wish to attend, tickets will be distributed by a draw. Additional tickets will also be available.
The Local is also looking for interested members to work at an informational table during this event. If you are interested, please contact Karry Biri.
IATSE Callout
IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) is looking for workers to help with upcoming concerts for Pink and Metallica. In particular, IATSE is looking for forklift operators, climbers, and general stagehands.
If you are interested or if you would like more information, please contact IATSE at iatse210@iatse210.com or visit the IATSE office in person at 10428 123 Street NW, Edmonton.
  • Support the Negotiation Committee Shirts: The Local Office will place a bulk order for shirts. If you are interested, contact Treasurer@cupwedm.net. You can read the bulletin about the shirts HERE.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
