| 07-18-2024

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Local Dispatch (24/07/18)

Friends and comrades,
In this week's Dispatch, we are covering the next National Day of Action, upcoming educational opportunities, and the Women's Committee Equinox.
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
National Day of Action
Our next National Day of Action will be happening on July 25th. This month's action will be focusing on Health and Safety. For further information, please talk to a Building Worker Power Workfloor Captain or a Shop Steward. 
While we are waiting for more information, we have received a notice from National Grievance Officer Carl Girouard that our challenge to the 2018 back-to-work legislation has been dismissed by the court. 
This stresses the importance of an organized workfloor and these actions, so if you would like to get involved and become a BWP Workfloor Captain, get in touch with our regional organizer James Ball (jball@cupw-sttp.org).
In case we end up on a picket line due to a strike or a lockout, if you're interested in becoming a picket captain, please reach out to union@cupwedm.net. If you'd like to attend the next strike preparation course (date to be determined), please get in touch with educate730@gmail.com
Upcoming Educational Opportunities
We have announcements for two educational opportunities being offered outside of our Local. The first is for a joint Prairie and Pacific 5-day educational happening in Gimli, MB. The two courses on offer are Political Action/Media Training and Leadership for Local Executive Committee. The second is the Edmonton & District Labour Council's Annual Fall School, which has a number of classes including WCB Advocacy and Member Engagement and Mobilization.
For more information, such as course descriptions, deadlines, and application forms, click HERE.
Women's Committee Equinox
Registration is now open for the Women's Committee Equinox event. For more information about applying and accommodations, click HERE.
  • Most Recent Negotiations Update: July 5th - Bargaining Update: No Rollbacks! No Concessions!
  • Support the Negotiation Committee Shirts: The Local Office will place a bulk order for shirts. If you are interested, contact Treasurer@cupwedm.net. You can read the bulletin about the shirts HERE.
  • Elks Labour Day Rematch: The Local has purchased 20 tickets for this EDLC-endorsed match. For more information and to inquire about tickets, see the prior Dispatch HERE.
  • IATSE Callout: IATSE is looking for workers for the upcoming Pink and Metallica concerts. If you are interested and have the proper certification/equipment, you can contact IATSE at iatse210@iatse210.com or by going to their office at 10428 123 St, Edmonton.
  • Disability Supports: To access the Disability Supports portal, which provides a list of programs and services in your community, click HERE.
