| 09-13-2024

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Voting on a Bus?

Friends and Comrades, 
As you may have heard the Edmonton Local has taken the bold step of hosting Strike vote meetings on chartered city buses outside of our facilities. We have been asked for years now to bring the vote to the members…so we did.
And members responded in droves. We held two separate days of voting at our Delton and Mayfield facilities. In both cases we had 95%+ members attend the vote!!! Everyone that wanted to attend the vote did. 
This morning we received a bulletin from National detailing the motions that were made by the National Board disallowing the use of buses for strike votes. 
Let me be abundantly clear. The Edmonton Executive conducted this vote in accordance with the Canada Labour Code, and the CUPW constitution. It was an informed vote, held by secret ballot immediately proceeding an information meeting. Those are the requirements.
The Edmonton Local Executive is seeking clarification of the motion, and the rationale behind it. We have inquired, but have not received an answer from the National Executive Board. We have requested a motion of reconsideration. Essentially asking the board to change their mind, and allow locals to conduct strike vote meetings (following all legal requirements) on a bus if they choose. 
Postal workers across the Edmonton Local and Postal Workers across this country need to contact the National Executive Board and ask them to reconsider the motion disallowing busses for the strike vote. Do it TODAY!
Below are all of their emails for the Board. Simply copy and paste the addresses and send an email that says something like, “Hi my name is ____. I'm from____.  Please reconsider the decision to disallow buses for strike votes. Sincerely ____”
This is a simple and quick way of ensuring that this project that the Edmonton Local has taken on can be a success. This vote is our chance to send a message to Canada Post that we are serious about our demands. Please feel free to share this as far and wide as you wish. 
In Solidarity,
CUPW Local 730 Edmonton Executive Committee
