| 03-22-2024

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Arbitration Decision on Uncovered Routes

We’ve received a formal arbitration ruling out of the Pacific Region regarding the Corporation improperly covering uncovered Letter Carrier routes. CUPW had filed over 400 individual grievances on this matter.
This particular grievance arose from comments made at a Regional Consultation Meeting on March 2nd, 2022, during which CUPW alleged that CPC’s General Manager for Western Canada gave direction to (a) not cover routes until they had been uncovered for more than two days; and (b) to unilaterally designate routes that have been uncovered for two or more days as “priority assignments.”
Arbitrator Vincent L. Ready ruled in CUPW’s favour, stating that:
a. Article 17.04 is a mandatory clause that requires the Employer to cover all uncovered routes unless one of the exceptional circumstances expressly set out in Article 17.04 arises. Absent these exceptional circumstances, the Employer does not have the discretion to not cover the uncovered route.
b. When there are climatic conditions or darkness which could adversely affect the employee concerned or the proper delivery of mail, pursuant to Article 17.05(c), the Employer is required to consult with the Local before deviating from the procedures set out in Article 17.04
c. The Employer is not permitted to unilaterally deem an uncovered route as a “priority assignment” under Article 52.01(f) in order to move a relief letter carrier from their assignment to an uncovered route.
What does this mean for Letter Carriers? Your routes should be covered. If your route has not been covered, find a Shop Steward and file a grievance.
If you would like to read the full text of the arbitration, click HERE.
