The contest is for suitable artwork for a hoodie to commemorate the upcoming (very likely) strike action. It may incorporate, or be accompanied,by, a slogan to promote and support a spirit of solidarity. Designs and slogans to be original work suitable for reproduction in 2 or 3 colours (plus garment colour).
Prize will consist of one (1) hoodie bearing the winning artwork.
- Contest is open to all members in good standing in the Edmonton 730 Local, including affiliates.
- Design must be original art. Clipart and similar elements may be incorporated if and only if they are public domain/royalty free. No AI (artificial intelligence) assisted art will be considered.
- Design/slogan may not contain profanity.
- Design/slogan may not contain elements that violate, or can be reasonably interpreted to violate, our Harassment Policy in any way.
- Local 730 branding elements (i.e, winged envelope, etc.) may be incorporated but are not required.
- One entry per person.
- Entry format: Physical media (drawing, ink, etc.) to be no smaller than 8” by 10”. Digital art to be 300 dpi in .jpg or .png format, or vector art in .eps. Fonts to be flattened or font file included. A slogan can be incorporated, or submitted alongside as text.
- Entries to be accompanied by the member’s full name, phone number, email, and work location.
- Entries to be submitted by email to, or delivered to the Local Office by hand or post, by April 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm. No late entries.
- Entries will be judged by a panel of the Full-Time Officers of our Local, plus the Communication Officer. In the event that any of these members submit their own entry, that member will recuse from judging, and the remaining panelists may (or may not) appoint another representative in their place.
- Judgment criteria may include originality, creativity, graphic/visual impact, humour and wit, and relevance to the Union cause.
- Winner will be announced at the May GMM.
The winning entry will become the property of the Local, for the purpose of the unique production run of the event apparel. No further compensation, apart from the Prize, will be offered. The winning entrant agrees to consult in full cooperation with the member of the Communications Committee assigned to prepare the art for production, and assist with alterations, editing, etc. that may be necessary for that process.The Local judging panel reserves the right without condition or explanation to not choose a winner if, in their agreed opinion, no clearly suitable entry is received.