| 03-07-2024

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Support Letter for CSU 52

To our union brothers, sisters and cousins in CSU 52,

The Edmonton Local of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers would like you to know that we stand behind you. 

The tactics that you face from the city in this round of negotiations are similar to the ones used by Canada Post. The “final offer” sent directly to the members of CSU instead of bargaining in good faith, is all too familiar to postal workers. 

As Canadaians we have the freedom of association which encompasses our right to be a part of a union. One of the cornerstones of being a union is collective bargaining. By circumventing our rights to collective bargaining, the employer hopes to weaken the strength of workers. 

Seeing your results of 91% in favor of going on strike, should send the City back to the bargaining table with a better deal. Instead, they are flooding the media with inaccurate information, and even your work computers with “Vote yes!” propaganda. Don’t fall for their games.

If the City Council can vote themselves a 4.8% raise, they can do better for our city workers. CSU members deserve more for all the hard work that they do in our community. However, it appears that you are going to have to fight for it on the picket lines.

We stand in solidarity with you. If CSU wins, workers across Edmonton win.  

Stand together CSU, and please know that the Posties stand with you!  

In Solidarity,

Devon Rundvall


Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Local 730 - Edmonton & Affiliates
