| 09-14-2023

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Local Dispatch (23/09/14)

Friends and comrades,

We've got a lot to cover in this dispatch, including the votes for the program of demands for our upcoming contract negotiations, Blue Monday, a CUPE solidarity request, Take Back the Night Rally and March, as well as an update regarding the cancellation of an upcoming Advanced Shop Steward course.
In solidarity,
Kyle Turner, Communications Officer
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Program of Demands Ratification Vote
The list of dates to vote on the program of demands has been finalized. Please see our Local website for the most up-to-date information. You can view the list of dates, times, and locations HERE.
This program of demands is the list of demands we will be sending to our Urban and RSMC negotiation committees to try to secure for us in this next round of bargaining that is quickly approaching.
There are also some specific rules that these votes have to follow. It must be informed, so there is a presentation before the vote, but this also means the doors will be locked if you do not arrive on time.
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Blue Monday
On Monday, September 18th we are asking for a show of solidarity by wearing a blue shirt. This is to show support for members who have been impacted by and continue to be impacted by unfair and unjust treatment from management and the corporation.
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CUPE #paintABpurple
On September 20th, CUPE is asking all Albertans to wear purple in order to show solidarity with education support workers who are demanding that they be paid a living wage. They also encourage everyone to post pictures on social media that day and use the hashtag #paintABpurple.
For more information on this, please visit the CUPE website.
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Take Back the Night Rally and March
Every year since the 1970s, women have been organizing Take Back the Night actions across the country. This year, this walk is being done to demand that the authorities do their duty and Search the Landfills. For more information on this, please see Amnesty International's call to action HERE.
This year, the rally and march will be taking place on September 22nd at 6:30 pm. It will begin and end at CO*LAB (9641 102 A Avenue, Edmonton) and the march will be through the surrounding Boyle Street area.
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Education Update
The Advanced Shop Steward course has been postponed because there were not enough applicants. Due to receiving such a large number of applications for the Basic course, there will now be a second Basic Shop Steward course running during the week the Advanced course was originally scheduled. So many applications were received that this second Basic Shop Steward course is already full.
