| 04-13-2023

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Reminder: New Personal Days

I just received a call about the new personal days and how they apply to temps. I figure it's a good time to share this summary as a reminder for how the Corporation says it will be handling these personal days.


Kyle Turner, Communications Officer

We've been getting a lot of questions about the new personal days we've received as a part of changes to the Canada Labour Code – and that's fair because the language could be clearer. Based on a document published by CPC, we can share what we know about how the Corporation has implemented these days.

Permanent employees. In the Corporate literature, they refer to permanent employees as 'employees with personal days under a Collective Agreement or terms of employment'. Effective December 31st, 2022, permanent employees received an additional 6 personal days for a total of 13 paid personal days annually.

These 13 personal days are divided into two classifications. One is our original 7 days, for which there are no changes – they can still be used in increments that are less than a day. The second is for the 6 new personal days. These days can not be carried over, do not get paid out if not used, and can only be used as full days.

Temporary employees. In the Corporate literature, they refer to temps as 'employees who do not have personal days under a Collective Agreement or terms of employment'. Temps will continue to have access to their 5 personal days (3 paid, 2 unpaid) under the Canada Labour Code. As of December 1st, 2022, however, temps also began to qualify for Canada Labour Code (CLC) Medical Leave.

Following a qualifying period of 30-days of continuous service, temps will receive an addition 3 days of CLC Medical Leave. Temps will continue to accrue one additional day of CLC Medical Leave for every continuous month of service up to a maximum of 10 days. These days can be carried over, but they cannot be banked – you can only have and use 10 days of CLC Medical Leave per calendar year and they must be used in full day blocks.


