| 12-16-2021

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Workfloor Organizing & What Winning Looks Like

WHY? CUPW is only as strong as our members are properly trained, organized and mobilized to collectively assert our demands. Our local invites all members willing to help this empowerment process to participate in a paid, union organizer training opportunity. Nothing changes for the better without your help, and more hands make lighter work!

WHAT? In this new Organizing For Power series, we explore successful organizing drives with the health workers and organizers in Germany who led them, and get to the heart of what helped these incredible campaigns win their contract demands. What set the stage for their victory, and how did they get there? Tune in to find out.

WHO? Participants will be asked to apply these lessons to our own experiences in CUPW, and what action will be needed to strengthen our own union and improve our working lives. Hosted by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Germany) and led by Jane McAlevey.


Date(s) For Course: Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10am-6pm

Application Deadline: Friday, January 14, 2022

Event Address: Zoom link provided (Union hall if equipment is needed, limited spaces)


Please read carefully!  Applications accompanying this notice can be copied, or filled out digitally or printed from: www.cupw730.ca/home/resources. In order for this application to be considered, all requested info must be provided, and the questionnaire fully answered. Please be sure to include the full name of the course you are applying for as well as what date preferences you have (if the course offers multiple dates).

Once filled, email the completed forms or pictures of forms to: educate730@gmail.com. Alternatively, physical copies can be made, filled, and brought or mailed to our local union hall (18121 107ave, T5S 1K4, Edmonton, AB) before the deadline. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted with further details.
