| 08-19-2021

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Local Dispatch (21/08/19)

Cousins and Comrades,

I’m back in the president’s chair for the week. It has been a busy time answering calls and emails regarding the upcoming contract extension vote taking place August 25th for RSMC’s and Aug 26th for Urban members. Make sure you have received your PIN to vote! If you haven’t received a letter or email with your PIN, please contact the Secretary -Treasurer at 780-423-9000, ext 2. 

In addition to this we have been receiving questions from members about the proposed mandatory vaccinations for federal employees.

On top of all this, Canada Post chose to rename the operation/situation room at the EMPP after a former shift manager with a more than troubled history at Canada Post.

And finally, a note on how you can participate in this year's Edmonton District Labour Council's Labour Day initiatives.

This week's dispatch will touch on all of these topics.  

 In Solidarity,


Contract Extension Proposal Analysis

For perspectives on the 'Yes!' campaign, the National website (www.cupw.ca) has extensive documentation to share. Since our local Executive and GMM voted to support the 'No!' campaign, we will be sharing that analysis here. We encourage members to explore both sides of the debate to be fully informed for the vote. Our responsibility as elected leadership of the union is to provide perspectives and analysis; in the end, the membership will vote to decide the direction of our union.

08.04 - Toronto, ON Statement: A 'No!' vote is not a strike vote. A 'No!' vote means negotiation of our demands start immediately. We should not let the NEB dictate what goes in the collective agreement, it should be membership driven. Read more >>

08.02 - Royal City, B.C. Statement: If inflation is between 3-5%, why would we consider this [2%] a reasonable offer? Let’s not forget that we the workers just carried this corporation through a pandemic! It was as if the Christmas season never ended and we were stuck in parcel hell all while having things like SSD stuffed down our throats as a thank you. Read more >>

07.22 - Counterpoint Bulletin: Our members are frontline workers that helped deliver Canadians through a pandemic. We deserve better. A 2% increase will not even match inflation. We could win at least this amount through proper negotiations. Additionally, we should not accept any wage proposal that does not also seek to eliminate the two-tier system. Read more >>

07.11 - CUPW 730 Local Exec/GMM Statement: The contract extension proposal unanimously endorsed by our National Executive Board (NEB) undermines the democracy of our union, and fails to address the many wounds inflicted on postal workers over the decades. To reclaim our dignity and begin the process of revitalizing our union, we must vote down this proposal. Read more >>



Extension Proposal Voting Times

Who Can Vote?
The extension votes will be conducted virtually or by phone. Only Members In Good Standing (MIGS) with updated contact information, can participate in the vote. 

NOTE: Members who have not received their PIN are NOT registered to vote!
If you have not received your pin in the mail or through e-mail, contact the CUPW office and speak to the Secretary Treasurer! Phone: 780-423-9000  EXT 2.

- If you have not yet signed your CUPW membership card contact our office (780-423-9000 ext. 2)
- To update your contact information visit: www.cupw.ca/en/update-my-info

Voting Dates
RSMC and Urban members will each have their own, separate, meeting presentations, voting days and times. Extra time slots have been added to accommodate the different shifts. Select only one time slot.

-Once you have updated your contact information, you will receive your voting PIN from the National CUPW office either by mail or email. 
- If you have not received your voting PIN via mail or email from National CUPW office by August 20, contact the Regional CUPW office for assistance at 1 (204) 942-5480.

RSMC Voting Options
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 // choose only one time slot:

-1630h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/89207338917
Meeting ID: 892 0733 8917 // Password: 904946 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

- 1900h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/86739232219
Meeting ID: 867 3923 2219 // Password: 109532 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

Urban Voting Options
Thursday, August 26, 2021 // choose only one time slot:

- 0900h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/81120089172
Meeting ID: 811 2008 9172 // Password: 672844 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

- 1200h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/88067063399
Meeting ID: 880 6706 3399 // Password: 456536 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

- 1630h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/85063867924
Meeting ID: 850 6386 7924 // Password: 883207 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

- 1900h // Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/84370187306
Meeting ID: 843 7018 7306 // Password: 589470 // Phone Option: 1-855-703-8985

How To Vote

1. Update your contact information: www.cupw.ca/en/update-my-info
2. Receive your 8-digit PIN via mail or email from National CUPW to participate in the vote.
3. Choose one time slot link for your classification (RSMC or Urban).
4. Use your link and password (or phone option) to join 10 minutes before the listed time.
5. Watch/listen to the presentations then receive voting instructions.

National CUPW Voting Guidelines

- Each voting member must be logged into the Zoom meeting before the meeting start time.
- Every meeting will begin with a presentation you must attend to vote.
- Once presentations start, no late-comers will be admitted to the meeting.
- After the presentation, there will be time allowed for questions and answers.
- Voting instructions will then be provided.

Downloaded/printable PDF version: Link



Vaccine Mandate 

It was announced last week that the Canadian Federal Government plans to mandate a COVID-19 vaccination for all federal sector employees. It is still early in this process with very little information being disclosed. 

Please find the most recent bulletin from national CUPW for more details: Read here >>



Take it Down!

In a stunningly ignorant move by Canada Post, they had renamed the “Situation Room” at the EMPP, after a notoriously problematic Shift Manager. Admittedly calling any room the Situation Room does sound a little stupid, but to name it after this particular manager could only be described as cruel to the sisters that had to endure abuses under his watch.  

But the story doesn’t end there. Many of our brothers and sisters, including our 730 women’s committee, organized themselves to push back.

Their demand was simple: “Take It Down!”

Look to the upcoming edition of the InsideOut to hear more about how the workers fought to get the sign removed. 



EDLC Labour Day Initiative: Workers Helping Workers

In non-pandemic years, the Edmonton District Labour Council typically hosts a Labour Day barbecue where members of many local unions gather and serve food to others. This year, as with the last, the event is cancelled due to COVID, but the EDLC is asking us all to participate in the following ways:

1. Donate to the United Way! If you have supported the BBQ in the past, consider making that donation to the United Way instead.

2. Volunteer in your community! Organize a team or volunteer on your own and let the EDLC know how many hours you contributed.

3. Host a food drive! Donate your collection to the local food bank — report any donation made during the window leading up to September 

4. Donate blood! The EDLC will record any donation of whole blood before September 4, upon receipt of a photo of your blood card.

Contact office@edlc.ca 



Ongoing Reminder: Local Office Access

To stay aligned with the federal health guidelines affecting our members, our office remains locked and available by appointment only. We are trying to conduct all meetings with members over the phone or via video conferencing. Exemptions can be made for unique circumstances. In either case, please call (780) 423-9000 to arrange an appointment with the appropriate officer. We are extremely busy in the office so please leave a message if you’re unable to catch us on the phone.

